View Full Version : Disrupttive WiFi: Did WiFi disrupt the traditional telecom cost model?

2012-04-17, 10:34 PM
Many technologies take years before they have a significant impact on markets or consumers. It took almost three decades before the Internet’s potential to disrupt the retail market was realized, as shown in the illustration below. Yet along the road are many carcasses of companies that overinvested in what they thought was a “sure thing” during the Internet bubble, only to find out that consumers weren’t ready to change. As cellular was following its natural and political evolution, a new technology called WiFi was emerging from the edges in the homes of consumers and offices of small businesses. The killer aspect of WiFi was that it used the unlicensed part of the airwaves. This meant that anyone could plug in a WiFi access point and have broadband up and running within 150 feet. READ FURTHER AT: http://trends-in-telecoms.blogspot.com/2011/08/disrupttive-wifi-did-wifi-disrupt.html