View Full Version : Need above 15 Reputation to download Attachment

2012-03-04, 05:42 AM
Dears Respected,

I need reputations to download some attachment which i can't do now please need some tips.

Best Wishes in Advance who reply.


2012-03-04, 11:30 AM
Dears Respected,

I need reputations to download some attachment which i can't do now please need some tips.

Best Wishes in Advance who reply.

Share good material here, then u can get reps that u need!

2012-03-04, 01:43 PM
Just asking for reputation is the easiest way to be banned. I think here nobody is going to give you reputation for free.

I advise you:

1. Read first the forum rules.
2. make good comments on post of your interest. (nothing about thanks, good, excellent, your the best, etc..)
3. share good information. (papers, books, manuales, technical guides, sample projects, maps, macros, programs, etc). Also you knowledge is helpful.
4. this is a community. nobody can come to the community and take something without leaving something else.


Dears Respected,

I need reputations to download some attachment which i can't do now please need some tips.

Best Wishes in Advance who reply.
