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View Full Version : Graduate Engineer RF & Cellular Networks Interview Questions

2012-02-25, 04:17 AM
Reputation and Thanks will be highly appreciated

Hi, I would like to share my experience of the Interview I have given today to the Irish Engineering Company. The company offer Design, Testing, optimization, analysis etc. for RF and Cellular Networks.
I have gone through 2nd and 3rd Generation architecture and systems, but I am not been asked any specific question related cellular networks.

First of all I have been asked the points I mentioned in my CV, I give explanation the points mentioned in my CV. starts from education and projects, and experience.

When I finished above with one examiner than 2nd examiner asked some more questions see below:

Note: I don't remember all the questions but most of them are here I am sorry about any mistake and not explaining correctly.

1-What three qualities you offer that make you more suitable for this job
2-What experience do you have that help you to do this job e.g project
3-What type of work/activities you are expected to do in this job
4-Have you been through a situation that is problematic, (general) how to deal with problems.
5-What would you see yourself in 5 year time
6-Would you be able to travel other countries
7- Require documents proof?
8-what salary do you expect?

The interview out come will be out after two weeks, If successful than I will share my answers to the examiners. I don't know if there is 2nd phase of the interview. Thanks.

2012-02-25, 05:29 AM
I think these are the basics kind of questions that you can find in any first Interview with Human Resources. In general almost always there is a second interview with Project Manager and a third technical interview with the team leader or someone with good knowledge about your position. However, Good references from previous jobs or professors from the University are higly valuable.

As I see, you go by the good way. Good Luck!!
