View Full Version : Query alarm on BSC/RNC from Netact database,

2012-02-18, 11:49 PM
Hi expert,

For backup all alarm in my system, I must auto-save alarm from Netact system. But i don't know where & how to get and save alarm real-time (5 minutes/one time query & save). Anh i want expert will help me, thanks!

2012-07-10, 10:48 PM
one idea is to query all from alarms from netact DB.
enter any Connectivity or Data server start the sql by:
sqlplus rdr/rdr (rdr is read only username/pass) and then:
select * from fx_alarm (fx_alarm is the table where all alarms are store, in that table you can find all fields that can help you in further queries like alarm status etc...)
you can run this query in a script by using "spool"
hope it helps