View Full Version : Export Radio Topology Issue

2012-02-09, 05:11 PM
Need a little help Snr Members,

Is there any way to export radio network topology from the command prompt instead of getting it from the common explorer of E// OSS.

2012-02-17, 07:32 AM
The Reason i want it because most of the time the Common Explorer doesnt open.

2012-04-02, 04:05 PM
Try this command: /opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/bin/start_rah_export.sh radio

Kind Regards

2012-04-03, 06:42 PM
Thanks for the response, i tried the command you mentioned it says Export Cancelled.Below is the output for your reference.

/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/bin/start_rah_export.sh radio

Export Filename will be: UTRAN_TOPOLOGY.xml

Included global environment settings
Included local environment settings else
NetworkName is found in system env, value = SubNetwork=ONRM_RootMo_R
Executing /opt/sun/jdk/java/bin/java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/ossrc/upgrade/JREheapdumps -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -DORBInitRef=NameService=iioploc://masterservice:12468/NameService -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORBSingleton -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB -Dborland.enterprise.licenseDefaultDir=/opt/borland/bes/license -Dborland.enterprise.licenseDir=/home/vm516w/etc/vbroker/glne1cx2 -Dvbroker.orb.enableServerManager=true -Dvbroker.security.server.ssl.handshakeTimeout=0 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/borland/bes/lib/endorsed -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -DLdapOrg=o=lmera -DLdapHost=ldap://masterservice:389 -Dse.e*******.security.PropertyFileLocation=/etc/opt/e*******/security/OSS_CSU_client_config.xml -Dse.e*******.security.JsuPropertyFileLocation=/etc/opt/e*******/security/OSS_JSU_client_config.xml -Dse.e*******.security.type=client -Dse.e*******.security.ssu.slsurls=*******/servlet/sls,*******/servlet/sls -Dse.e*******.security.ssu.authenticationenabled=true -DNetworkName=ONRM_RootMo_R -DNetworkName=ONRM_RootMo_R -Didentity=AdmDomain=e*******.se,AdmNode=E*******,AdmHost=glne1cx2,ManagedComponentrah_reg=rah_reg,Processrah_reg_corba_server=rah_reg_corba_server -DperiodicalExportSwitch=ON -DperiodicalExportFileName=UTRAN_TOPOLOGY.xml -DperiodicalExportConfigId=
-DperiodicalExportRootMOName=SubNetwork=ONRM_RootMo_R com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.impl.CommandLineExporter radio

Starting Periodic Export set up procedure
Failed to create exportSession.
Setting up the logger
WFWK TRACING directed to LogAgent. trace.target not set
Apr 3, 2012 6:07:29 AM com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.common.utils.BcgLogger logWarning
WARNING: UserId =vm516w
Apr 3, 2012 6:07:29 AM com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.common.utils.BcgLogger logException
SEVERE: CommandLineExporter.resolveExportCorbaObject. Failed to create exportSession:
org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
at com.inprise.vbroker.ProtocolEngine.PortfolioImpl.getConnector(Unknown Source)
at com.inprise.vbroker.ProtocolEngine.ManagerImpl.getConnector(Unknown Source)
at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl._bind(Unknown Source)
at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.verifyConnection(Unknown Source)
at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.is_local(Unknown Source)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_local(ObjectImpl.java:354)
at com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.iface._ExportSessionFactoryStub.createSession(_ExportSessionFactoryStub.java:77)
at com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.impl.CommandLineExporter.resolveExportCorbaObject(CommandLineExporter.java:154)
at com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.impl.CommandLineExporter.run(CommandLineExporter.java:102)
at com.e*******.nms.umts.ranos.bcg.regionserver.impl.CommandLineExporter.main(CommandLineExporter.java:76)
Export cancelled. Periodic export set up failed: Failed to create exportSession.

2012-04-03, 10:29 PM
Missing privileges?

Do you get more information when you check the logfile in /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs ?

Try this command:
/opt/e*******/nms_cif_sm/bin/smtool -config wran_bcg

and compare the output with our settings below. Any major differences?

Another way to export topology is this script (more documentation you should find in ALEX):


No arguments were specified!
Usage: ./bcgtool.sh -h|-help
./bcgtool.sh -g <file>
./bcgtool.sh -e <file | URL> [-d <r|t|b> | <:moc_filter | filter_file>] [-s <ba|bo|bs|bn> <level>] [-v] [-report <file>] [-n FDN1 FDN2 ...] [-time date <yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss>|hr <int 1-24>] [-c]
./bcgtool.sh -i <file | URL> [-p <plan>] [-v] [-molock] [-report <file>]
./bcgtool.sh -a <plan> [-startTime <yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss> [-abortAtPrecheckFailure <true|false>]] [-useRobustReconfig <true|false> [-configAdmCountdown <int 300-86400>]] [-v] [-report <file>]

activityDuration 2
administrativeState unlocked
autoLockUnlock false
availabilityStatus undefined
bctLicenceCheckTimeoutMins 10
bulkCmFilesExport /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export
bulkCmFilesExportCache /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/cache
bulkCmFilesImport /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/import
bulkCmFilesSession /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/session
bulkCmLogsExport /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/export
bulkCmLogsImport /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/import
bulkCmLogsSession /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/session
commitAtMIBBoundary false
commitTransactionTime 0
compressUsing true
ContinueExportOnNodeFailure true
deletecellwaittime 20
enableWarnings false
erbsqueuesize 25
erbswaittime 5
exportCSConnectionsTimeout 3600
ExportInstrumentToFile /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/export
ExportNodeIfUnsynched true
exportRetryWaitTime 10
ExportSynchingNodes false
exportWithWhiteSpaces true
filterFiles /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/csfilters
idleTime 86400000
ImportInstrumentToFile /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/import
importJmsMessageWaitTimeout 3600
importJmsProgressUpdateInterval 1000
importJmsResponseDestroyTimeout 900
importRetryWaitTime 10
importxmlschemavalidation 1
managedComponentObjectName wran_bcg_mc
ManagedComponentwran_bcgId wran_bcg
MapFile /opt/e*******/nms_umts_bcg_meta/dat
maxretry 2
maxretryCsExportFailures 3
maxretryCsImportFailures 5
maxThreads 128
MCContextContextId ONRM_RootMo_R
mgwqueuesize 5
mgwwaittime 5
minThreads 10
mscqueuesize 5
mscwaittime 5
notificationSendAttempts 5
notificationSendInterval 30
onLine true
operationalState undefined
processxmlfile 0
rahNotifConnPacingInterval 5
rahNotifConnTimeTick 10
rbsqueuesize 100
rbswaittime 5
retrySynchingNodes true
rncwaittime 10
runningState undefined
rxiqueuesize 25
rxiwaittime 5
sessionCacheLifeTime -1
sgsnqueuesize 12
sgsnwaittime 5
startOrder 18
stnqueuesize 100
stnwaittime 5
stopOrder 2
systemLogLevel coarse
tdrbswaittime 5
tdrncwaittime 10
tempFilesMonitorPeriod 12
threadMonitorPeriod 10
traceStatus N
transactionSize 1
transactionTimeOut 1800
transactiontimeoutvalue 500
usageState undefined
useConversion false
userFilterFiles /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/userfilters
userLabel wran_bcg
waitTimeForCStoReturn 40

Kind Regards

2012-04-06, 03:27 AM
Thanks for the quick response, it seems i do not privileges to run smtool command,as far as command bcgtool is concerned can you give me any example i could use as i am not able to find any info in alex.

2012-04-06, 05:21 AM
Thanks for the quick response, it seems i do not privileges to run smtool command.
Ask your OSS-RC Admin! Or you can try to lauch the GUI version -> CIF Management Console or /opt/e*******/bin/smgui

Here is the doc of bcgtool:

13 BCG CLI Script

The BCG CLI script enables Import, Export and Activation operations to be performed from the command line interface. Any activities performed using the GUI may be performed using this script, with appropriate parameters and arguments. This path for BCG CLI script is: /opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/bin/.
13.1 Syntax

In order to use BCG CLI script, users must be logged in and have appropriate user privileges.
The usage string displays the script syntax. Using standard script notation, optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets [ ], and alternative multiple arguments are separated by the | symbol. For example, the parameter -s, is optional and may be used in one of the following formats: -s ba or -s bo or -s bn or -s bs.
The usage string is as follows:

usage: ./bcgtool.sh -h|-help ./bcgtool.sh –g <file> ./bcgtool.sh -e <file | URL> [-d <r|t|b> | <:moc_filter | filter_file>] [-s <ba|bo|bs|bn> <level>] [-v] [-report <file>] [-n FDN FDN2 ...] ./bcgtool.sh -i <file | URL> [-p plan][-v] [-report <file>] ./bcgtool.sh -a <plan> [-startTime <yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss> [-abortAtPrecheckFailure <true|false>]] [-useRobustReconfig <true|false> [-configAdmCountdown <int 300-86400>]][-v] [-report <file>] [-v] [-report <file>]

The usage string indicates that BCG CLI script may be used in one of the following ways:
./bcgtool.sh -h|-help
./bcgtool.sh –g <file>
./bcgtool.sh -e <file | URL> [-d <r|t|b|><:moc_filter | filter_file>] [-s <ba|bo|bn|bs> <level>] [-v] [-report <file>] [-n <FDN1 FDN2 ...]
./bcgtool.sh -i <file | URL> [-p <plan>] [-v] [-report <file>]
./bcgtool.sh -a <plan> [-startTime <yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss> [-abortAtPrecheckFailure <true|false>]] [-useRobustReconfig <true|false> [-configAdmCountdown <int 300-86400>]][-v] [-report <file>]
Use of an invalid combination of parameters results in the display of an appropriate exit code in the console.
13.2 Script Parameters and Arguments

The BCG CLI script requires at least one parameter. The parameters determine which function the script performs. Use optional parameters, where allowed by the script's syntax rules, to modify the default behavior of the script.
13.2.1 Parameters

At least one parameter must always be used with the BCG CLI script. The acceptable BCG CLI script parameters are:

-h|-help Use any of the help parameters with the BCG script to display the usage string, as shown in Section 13.1 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#BCG-CLI-Usage).


-e Use this parameter to perform an export operation using the BCG script. This parameter must be followed by a mandatory file | URL argument, a well formed URL or file name. Optional parameters: the domain parameter -d, the scope parameter -s, the verbose parameter -v, the report parameter, -report and the FDN parameter, -n, may be used with the export parameter.


-i Use this parameter to perform an import operation using BCG CLI script. This parameter must be followed by a mandatory file | URL argument, specifying the import xml file. The -i parameter may optionally be followed by the following parameters: plan, -p , verbose -v , report -report.


–g Use this parameter to specify a file containing operation parameters. If a full file path is not specified, the script uses the custom filter path ( see Section 11.3 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#advancedfilter)) as the default. The file may contain parameters necessary to perform Bulk Configuration CLI operations, that is, export, import and activation. Only a file argument that points to a valid file, can be used with this parameter. Each command must be on a separate line in this file.


-a Use this parameter to perform an activation of a planned configuration. This parameter must be followed by a mandatory plan argument, specifying an existing planned configuration.

Any parameter used with the BCG script, that does not match any of these activities, causes an error message and the usage string to displayed.
13.2.2 Optional Parameters and Arguments

A number of optional script parameters may be used to further modify the default behavior of the script:

-p Use the plan parameter, -p, (always followed by the plan argument) to denote the planned configuration that the operation is performed on.
-report Use the report parameter, -report, (always followed by the file argument) to define the location where the report file is written to. The report file contains the information that is output to the console for the CLI operation. The default report location is: var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/.
-d r|t|b|:moc_filter|filter_file Use the domain parameter, -d, to refine the scope of an export operation. Use the domain parameter to limit the export to specific MO types: r radio or t transport, or b, both moc_filter managed object class and filter_file a filter file. When a managed object class filter is used, only the named MO class, and any child MOs it contains, are exported. A filter file parameter only exports the MOs types listed in the argument file (including all contained child MOs).
-s ba|bs|bo|bn <level> Use the scope parameter, -s, to set the scope requirements.
Use the following arguments with this parameter:

ba - Base All: This scope includes the starting point MO and all MOs below it. With this argument, any specified level argument is ignored.
bo - Base Only: This scope includes only the starting point MO. With this argument, any specified level argument is ignored.
bn - Base N: This scope only includes MOs that are exactly n levels below the starting point MO, n being the value specified in the level argument.
bs - Base Sub-Tree: This scope includes the starting point MO and all MOs below it down to the specified level from Sub-tree level 1.
level - An integer value representing the number of levels to be included in the scope.

-v Use the verbose mode parameter, -v, to switch verbose mode on or off. If verbose mode is on, more detailed log information is displayed in the console. If verbose mode is switched off, BCG CLI script runs in silent mode and only displays severe warnings.
-n FDN1 FDN2 Use the FDN parameter -n, to identify the start point MO for a BCG CLI operation.
plan Use the plan argument with the, activate -a, import -i or plan -p, parameters, to identify the planned configuration for the operation. The planned configuration must exist for use with the export and activate parameters.
file | URL Use the file | URL argument to specify the file as one of the following:

A file name
A file path
An FTP location

The BCG application uses default locations, described in, Section 10 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#import) and Section 11 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#export), defined by a Managed Component parameter, for import and export files. The default location is determined by the BCG script by reading the system parameters. All files used with BCG script must be well formed, valid XML files.
If a file name only is specified, the script expects to find the file in the relevant default location. If an absolute path to a file, elsewhere on the file system, is specified, the file is automatically copied to the relevant default location. If an FTP location is specified, the file is automatically copied to the default location. The file location specified is validated by the BCG script to ensure that:

If it is a preexisting file, that it can be written to or read from


If it does not already exist, that it can be created (export case only)

-startTime <yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss> Use the parameter –startTime to specify the time for activating a plan. The time should be specified in the format yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm:ss and this time should not be earlier than the current time.
-abortAtPrecheckFailure <true|false> Use the parameter –abortAtPrecheckFailure to specify whether the activation should be stopped or allowed to continue in the case of precheck failure. This parameter can contain the value of either true or false.
If abortAtPrecheckFailure is set to true then the activation stops if a precheck failure is encountered.
If abortAtPrecheckFailure is set to false, or is not included in the command, then the activation continues even if there are Network Elements that failed the pre-check.

13.2.3 CLI Examples

The following examples illustrate parameter and argument usage. Using the -g Command

The commands shown in Example 4 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#Example-Simple-Export), are contained in a file. This file may be used with the -g parameter as shown in Example 5 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#Example-g). BCG CLI script processes the file contents and interprets the contained commands, exporting transport domain MOs from RNC03 to the export file ExportFile.xml.
Example 4 Sample Command File

-e /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/ExportFile.xml -d t -n SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO_R, SubNetwork=RNC03,MeContext=RNC03
Note: Each command must be on a separate line in the file.
Example 5 Sample Usage

./bcgtool.sh -g /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/ files/export/ExportCommandFile.xml Using the -e Command

The BCG script CLI command in Example 6 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#Example-e), exports radio domain MOs from the valid configuration, starting with the FDN: RNC03. The resultant export file, ExportFile.xml, is stored in the directory /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/.
Example 6 Sample Export

./bcgtool.sh -e /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/export/ExportFile.xml -d r -n SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO_R, SubNetwork=RNC03,MeContext=RNC03
The BCG script CLI command in Example 7 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#multiple) exports radio domain MOs from the Network Elements RNC03 and RNC02. The resultant export file, Export_MultipleNE.xml is stored in the default export file directory:
Example 7 Sample MultipleNetwork Elementexports

./bcgtool.sh -e Export_MultipleNE.xml -d r -n SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO_R,SubNetwork=RNC03,MeContext=RNC03 SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO_R,SubNetwork=RNC02,MeContext=RNC02 Using the -i Command

The BCG script CLI command in Example 8 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#Example-Import) imports the contents of TestImport.xml into the planned configuration TestImportConfiguration. The report file, TestImportReportFile.txt for this operation is stored in the directory /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/import/importreports/.
Example 8 Sample Import

./bcgtool.sh -i /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/import/TestImport.xml -p TestImportConfiguration -v -report /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/files/ logs/import/importreports/TestImportReportFile.txt Using the -a Command

The BCG script CLI command in Example 9 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#Example-a) activates the TestImportConfiguration planned configuration. The report file, ActivatePlanReportFile.txt for this operation is stored in the directory: /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/logs/.
Example 9 Sample Activation

./bcgtool.sh -a TestImportConfiguration -v -report /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/ logs/ActivatePlanReportFile.txt
The BCG script CLI command in Example 10 (https://al4b.cpi.e*******.net/cpix/ak/alexserv?AC=LINK&ID=29730&FN=1_1553-APR9010403Uen.H.html&PA=bcgtool&ST=FULLTEXT#example8) schedules the activation of the TestImportConfiguration planned configuration at the date/time specified (10th Nov 2008 at 20 Hrs).
The activation of the plan stops if the pre-check fails since abortAtPrecheckFailure is set to true.
The report file for this operation is stored in the directory:
Example 10 Sample Scheduled Activation

./bcgtool.sh –a TestImportConfiguration –startTime 2008-11-1020:00:00 -abortAtPrecheckFailure true –v –report /var/opt/e*******/nms_umts_wran_bcg/ logs/ScheduledActivatePlanReportFile.txt