View Full Version : The Smart Internet Vision

2012-01-18, 08:01 PM
The notion of a smart internet requires a transformation in our understanding of the web and its architecture – a complete change of perspective, from a server-centric understanding to a user-centric one. This change will be much like the Copernican revolution, where the presumed structure of the solar system changed from an Earth-centric one to a Sol-centric one.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Oh3_9hYn5dE/Tnm1SkBfJAI/AAAAAAAAArk/VGAa2EhjcGA/s320/smart%2Binternet%2Bvision%2B-1.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Oh3_9hYn5dE/Tnm1SkBfJAI/AAAAAAAAArk/VGAa2EhjcGA/s1600/smart%2Binternet%2Bvision%2B-1.jpg)Three major extensions are called for in this transformation. First, a new “Copernican” user model for the web is needed that is centered on the users’ concerns and cognition. Second, a new kind of session concept is required that centers on the user’s perspective and her situation rather than the server’s perspective of user interactions. READ FURTHER AT: http://trends-in-telecoms.blogspot.com/2011/09/smart-internet-vision.html