View Full Version : Question How use DriverTest data tune path loss matrices ?

2011-10-19, 06:25 PM
Evevybody , I am learning Atoll with Atoll 3.1 ,
Now , I have no CW Test Data , so I use the DriverTest Data to tune path loss matrices ;
The DriverTest Data is measuring by Dingli (RCU format ), I converted it to txt format within Long.Lat.EV_RXAGC.TotalCI, but when I ready to tune path loss ,Atoll show that have no path loss matrix for Cell ...
So , what I need to tune the path loss matrices ?:'(

2011-10-19, 08:28 PM
As one of the other guys around here said "use logic Watson":) If the missing part is the path loss matrix, then in the Network tab, do a right click on the transmitter folder and go Calculations-> Calculate Path loss Matrices. This will calculate each sector path loss for the chosen propagation model. Then you can use your DT data to tune each path loss matrix;)

2011-10-24, 01:40 AM
could u share to everybody some doccuments that have details informatio about how to use drites data to tune pathloss matrix
thanks and regard

2011-10-24, 10:07 AM
I can do it ,but I need add rep.

2011-10-24, 01:49 PM
Evevybody , I am learning Atoll with Atoll 3.1 ,
Now , I have no CW Test Data , so I use the DriverTest Data to tune path loss matrices ;
The DriverTest Data is measuring by Dingli (RCU format ), I converted it to txt format within Long.Lat.EV_RXAGC.TotalCI, but when I ready to tune path loss ,Atoll show that have no path loss matrix for Cell ...
So , what I need to tune the path loss matrices ?:'(

See post zeldalcl