View Full Version : Question Name of counters

2011-10-10, 11:46 PM
Hello, does enyone can tell me exact name (and description if possible) of counters which have ID 67189840 and 67190567

:) Thanks!

2011-10-10, 11:59 PM
I was able to find info only for the first one:

Number of Total Bytes Sent in Downlink of HSDPA MAC-d Flow
Measurement Counters
ID Counter Description
67189840 VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.TotalBytes Number of Total Bytes Sent in Downlink of HSDPA MAC-d Flow for Cell

This counter provides the number of total bytes sent in downlink of all the HSDPA MAC-d flows in a cell.

Measurement point
When data is sent in an HSDPA serving cell, the RNC measures the number of total bytes sent in the downlink (including data of all types of services) at the RLC layer for the MAC-d flow in the cell. The RLC header and the retransmitted data are excluded.



2011-10-11, 03:27 PM
Hmmm, but for me very interesting second one.

I can not find it too. But this counter exists in Huawei and has a name VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.times

But i can not understand what does it mean times? Times of what? :confused:

2011-10-11, 04:02 PM
Hmmm, but for me very interesting second one.

I can not find it too. But this counter exists in Huawei and has a name VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.times

But i can not understand what does it mean times? Times of what? :confused:

no worries this is easy.

in Huawei counter naming terminology, whenever you use "times" it means the fraction of time during the observation period where this counter is incremented by one.

for example: if observation period = 1 min and TTI = 5 ms, then total number of TTIs B = 12000
if during this period, A gives the total number of TTIs where HSDPA channel throughput is non-zero

VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.times = A/B

i think this solves your problem!

2011-10-11, 04:20 PM
Why i ask this question, because we use througput formula, which Huawei provide us:


From your explanation it should be like this:

67189840 - bytes.

67190567 - times (ms\ms)

So it means formula uncorrect, because result not in Bit\s but Bit\times.

Am i rigth? :)

2011-10-11, 08:47 PM
So, Counter 67190567 is an internal Huawei counter which measures the duration of HSDPA service


2011-10-11, 10:05 PM
i'm back...

Huawei's counter is correct and gives kbps

effectively it gives the average HSDPA throughput (in kbps) while there are present HSDPA users

example: observation period = 1 min = 12000 TTIs
assume counter 67189840 = 10000 bytes
counter 67190567 = 4000 TTIs

average HSDPA throughput during observation period = 8*10000/60 bps = 1.3 kbps
average HSDPA throughput during observation period but only when HSDPA users are prsenet = 8*10000/(60*4000/12000) bps = 4 kbps

2011-10-12, 03:39 PM
I have 2 qestions:

1) What is 60 bps?

2) Forget about figures. Let's focus on how to get kbps

8*10000/60 bps = 1.3 kbps

From you formula bit\(bit\sec) = sec (not bps)

Formula defenetly uncorect. :confused:

In denumenator must be sec in numerator bits -> only after that will be bit per second

2011-10-12, 05:36 PM
ok lets give it another try:

example: observation period = 1 min = 60 sec = 12000 TTIs
assume counter 67189840 = 10000 bytes
counter 67190567 = 4000 TTIs

i am doing the same calculations hopefully clearer:

average HSDPA throughput during observation period = 8*10000(bytes)/60(sec) = 1.3 kbps
average HSDPA throughput during observation period but only when HSDPA users are prsenet = 8*10000(bytes)/(60 sec*4000 TTIs/12000 TTIs) = 4 kbps

what do you think?

2011-10-12, 05:51 PM
ok lets give it another try:

example: observation period = 1 min = 60 sec = 12000 TTIs
assume counter 67189840 = 10000 bytes
counter 67190567 = 4000 TTIs

i am doing the same calculations hopefully clearer:

average HSDPA throughput during observation period = 8*10000(bytes)/60(sec) = 1.3 kbps
average HSDPA throughput during observation period but only when HSDPA users are prsenet = 8*10000(bytes)/(60 sec*4000 TTIs/12000 TTIs) = 4 kbps

what do you think?

Now looks good.

But again BUT :)

In accordance with this formula


Counter 67190567 should be in a seconds.

It means VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.times - has seconds resolution.

2011-10-12, 06:04 PM
to tell you the truth I don't have the official Huawei's description on the unit of counter 67190567 and I fully agree with you that this must be in seconds

of course this means that my earlier e-mail on this counter is wrong :p