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View Full Version : DEM for Perth, WA

2011-10-05, 11:39 AM
I have digital elevation model (25m resolution) and clutter data for Perth metropolitan area, Western Austraila.
If anyone interested, please PM me and I will share it.
Not sharing it now as I feel not many will be interested in it...

2011-10-05, 01:43 PM
You can donate your map using this thread : http://www.finetopix.com/mapping-tools/22799-vectors-maps-clutters.html
Perhaps there is anybody interest in your map

2011-10-05, 05:38 PM
Thanks, ledhie.
I'd do that, the onle problem is to become a member.
Until then, I could have post it here, but really wanted to know if there are few people interested in this.

2011-10-05, 08:28 PM
OK, I am also a new member in this forum.
Just share it, hope someone will give you reputation and you could become member.

2011-10-06, 06:20 PM
Data developed by Marconi in 2007 upon the request of some local engineering mob. In the archive are:

DEM for Perth metropolitan area, WA (25 meter bin resolution)
Clutter data (with description of clutter types in readme.txt
Vector data for same area - roads, rivers, etc.

Link to download:

http://www.4shared.com/file/6m5Fryd4/Perth_25m_DEM.htmlPass to archive is my u/name.
Please use this data in educational purpose only. Perth is fast developing city and many of the open areas around outer suburbs have been well developed since the map was created.
;) Please do not forget to press THANK YOU and ADD REPUTATION buttons. It only worth you two clicks...

2011-10-07, 12:41 AM
Dear Expert

i need how get the digital map for any place in world

i need to use in Atoll and HW U-Net


2011-10-07, 06:41 AM
Dear Expert

i need how get the digital map for any place in world

i need to use in Atoll and HW U-Net


The only way to get decent maps for any place in the world is to pay for it.
To get them for free you just need to keep looking in the places like that.

Alternative is lower resolution data, you are probably aware of free SRTM3 (90 meters resolution data). If not, google it and you will find places to download.