View Full Version : Download RTN 910, 950, 850 Guides and manuals

2011-10-04, 06:24 PM
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide(WebLCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 IDU Quick Installation Guide(V100R003_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN XMC ODU Hardware Description(V100_10)
RTN XMC ODU Quick Installation Guide(V100_08)

Get them on the attachement below. No pass, just thank's.

2011-10-04, 07:18 PM
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide(WebLCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 IDU Quick Installation Guide(V100R003_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN XMC ODU Hardware Description(V100_10)
RTN XMC ODU Quick Installation Guide(V100_08)

Get them on the attachement below. No pass, just thank's.

If you have hedex libraries for the RTN products you listed, please share them with us.

2011-10-05, 06:14 AM
Do you have that for RTN 620


2011-10-06, 09:14 PM
Many thanks. Very useful.
I have some requests:
1) Do you have the last official roadmap for 950 and 980 ? I am interested in some features and from when they are available.
2) Do you know if migration from Hybrid (Native E1 + Native Ethernet) to Packet(all IP) can be done only by software without changing any card? Can this card named CSH/950 and CSHN/980 do this?
3) Do you know from what version of V100R003_ _ this migration can be done for 950 and 980?
4) Do you know if there are any constraints in choosing cards and finally in function if XPIC is used for Hybrid or Packet ?

Best regards

2011-10-07, 10:51 PM
Many thanks. Very useful.
I have some requests:
1) Do you have the last official roadmap for 950 and 980 ? I am interested in some features and from when they are available.
2) Do you know if migration from Hybrid (Native E1 + Native Ethernet) to Packet(all IP) can be done only by software without changing any card? Can this card named CSH/950 and CSHN/980 do this?

It can be done only by software.

3) Do you know from what version of V100R003_ _ this migration can be done for 950 and 980?

V100R003C00SPC100, im not sure if with other versíon you can do it... i think so.

4) Do you know if there are any constraints in choosing cards and finally in function if XPIC is used for Hybrid or Packet ?

XPIC can be used for both

Best regards

2) Do you know if migration from Hybrid (Native E1 + Native Ethernet) to Packet(all IP) can be done only by software without changing any card? Can this card named CSH/950 and CSHN/980 do this?

It can be done only by software.

3) Do you know from what version of V100R003_ _ this migration can be done for 950 and 980?

V100R003C00SPC100, im not sure if with other versíon you can do it... i think so.

4) Do you know if there are any constraints in choosing cards and finally in function if XPIC is used for Hybrid or Packet ?

XPIC can be used for both

2011-10-09, 04:38 AM
Thank you mcmardigan.
1) Do you know if V100R003C02_01 can be newer than V100R003C00SPC100 ?
2) Does SPC mean dual functioning Hybrid and Packet or something else ?
3) Do you know if the chassis assembley of 950 and 980 comes embedded with power module PIU ? If yes, it comes with both (redundant) PIU or with only one and the other has to be orderd separately.

It seems there is a limitation in using XPIC with ISX2 card: this do not work with channel spacing of 7 and 14 MHz.

2011-10-10, 05:10 PM
Thank you mcmardigan.
1) Do you know if V100R003C02_01 can be newer than V100R003C00SPC100 ?
2) Does SPC mean dual functioning Hybrid and Packet or something else ?
3) Do you know if the chassis assembley of 950 and 980 comes embedded with power module PIU ? If yes, it comes with both (redundant) PIU or with only one and the other has to be orderd separately.

It seems there is a limitation in using XPIC with ISX2 card: this do not work with channel spacing of 7 and 14 MHz.

1) Do you know if
1) Do you know if V100R003C02_01 can be newer than V100R003C00SPC100 ?

V100R003C02_01 This version is newer that V10..... SPC100
2) Does SPC mean dual functioning Hybrid and Packet or something else ?
No, i don't know what means... it's just version name...

3) Do you know if the chassis assembley of 950 and 980 comes embedded with power module PIU ? If yes, it comes with both (redundant) PIU or with only one and the other has to be orderd separately.
Yes, 950 and 980 have 2 PIU.

It seems there is a limitation in using XPIC with ISX2 card: this do not work with channel spacing of 7 and 14 MHz
Yes, not possible use that freq. in XPIC.

2011-10-26, 03:11 PM
If you have hedex libraries for the RTN products you listed, please share them with us.

Hi All!
Anyone has the HEDEX for 900-series?
Thanks in advance!

2011-10-26, 03:44 PM
Unfortunatelly i do not have it, i'm searching for all of these too.

2012-10-18, 03:04 PM
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 910 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide (Indoor)(V100R003_03)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (APM30H&TMC11H Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 IDU Quick Installation Guide for Outdoor Cabinets (OMB Cabinets)(V100R003_01)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide(WebLCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 950 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 IDU Quick Installation Guide(V100R003_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide (Web LCT)(V100R003C00_03)
RTN 980 Radio Transmission System IDU Hardware Description(V100R003C00_03)
RTN XMC ODU Hardware Description(V100_10)
RTN XMC ODU Quick Installation Guide(V100_08)

Get them on the attachement below. No pass, just thank's.

Could you reupload them again ?