View Full Version : some PM(s) are being ignored or what?

2011-09-26, 11:50 PM
hello everyone....as the title suggests..it's kind of sarcastic or prolly ironic. but it's true:(

some members are being blessed and got congratulations for getting married...birthday....etc....BUT HOW ABOUT BEING TREATED with Cruelty?

i would like to attract some VIP and Moderators attention that some PM(s) and or requests are being ignored..whether purposefully or NOT....but truth be said..I'm shocked and dismayed :eek::( and over all: i'm SAD:(

exemplary case:
I've sent a PRIVATE MESSAGE to my #1 example and idol for (i think 4 times) BUT not even 1 single reply:(:confused:
(no crying icon, otherwise i 'd have used it :(

what's up guys,...i'm being blamed by my wife most of time for spending my whole day for FINETOPIX..and this is the end..left a lone

please keep up the good sharing spirits......and..think of this forum not only telecom..but telepathic tool too

and those in question KNOW themselves very well

I'm left broken heart

Sincerely Finetopix's loyal member and defender
national instrument- LabVIEW LOVER:funk:

2011-09-27, 12:36 AM
Frnd U threads always adding a taste of sweet 2 our lovely FineTopix Forum.
for me i some times communicate with other persons via Pm,most of theme response quickly,others response was after few days(that understood they had their excuse definitely)
For cogratulations,birthdays,...etc that what i was missing here although we r here helped each others just like a family:)
