View Full Version : Passive Low loss diplexing system for UMTS/GSM 900

2011-09-19, 06:27 AM

you will find in file attachment which contains a data sheet about new dixplexing system for UMTS 900.

Best regards,

2011-09-19, 06:37 AM
no attachment

to attach a file you need to use the "Manage Attachments" tab, this will bring up a new window so you can add and upload files. Once you have browsed to the files you want to upload, you have to click the upload button and wait for the file to upload.

The files need to be one of the acceptable formats and within the size limit you are allowed to upload relative to you membership status (see in the attachment key below the upload box).

Please update your post and add the file.

Thanks, Stan.

2011-09-19, 05:51 PM
Thanks you for your advise, it is working ?


2011-09-20, 08:32 PM
Cheers for this atomisky01. Do you have an idea of the list price?

My thoughts on these are that they can also be used to combine two operators onto the same band with less loss than a hybrid combiner if needed. (Not normally much of a problem for 900MHz though.)

2011-09-21, 02:18 AM
Hi all,

Yes , they are working. We are using some of them in our network. The only
thing that they are quite expensive.