View Full Version : IPRAN

2011-08-10, 01:31 AM
I am doing a migration from ATM to IPRAN, it's a multi-vendor environment, purely ethernet is used by the vendor.

Connection diagram (please refer attached).

Recently, we have been receiving the following alarm below.
Have anyone encountered similar issues?

Nr of active alarms are: 3
Date & Time (Local) S Specific Problem Cause Mo-Reference
2011-08-09 16:52:28 M NTP Server Reachability Fault unavailable IpAccessHostEt=Slot-2,IpSyncRef=2
2011-08-09 16:52:28 M NTP Server Reachability Fault unavailable IpAccessHostEt=Slot-2,IpSyncRef=1
2011-08-09 16:55:29 M System Clock in Holdover Mode replaceable_unit_problem Synchronization=1
>>> Total: 3 Alarms (0 Critical, 3 Major)

Usually, the IUB comes up, in this new case, even the IUB is not coming UP. This has been recurring for few sites.
Could it be the vendor's equipment is not functioning.
Can anyone help ?


2011-08-10, 03:28 AM
Probably IP transport, you can confirm by pinging the IUB remote CP Ip address from the RNC IpAccesshost (ETMFX card):

RNCXXX> get iub_XXX remotecpipaddress

110809-14:37:36 10.xxx.xx.1 8.0n RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_119 stopfile=/tmp/4588
MO Attribute Value
IubLink=Iub_XXX remoteCpIpAddress1

RNCXXX> pr ipaccesshostet*

110809-14:37:44 10.xxx.xx.1 8.0n RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_119 stopfile=/tmp/4588
Proxy MO
12428 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-3-3
12434 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-4-3
12437 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-2-26
12441 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-1-4
12443 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-5-3
12459 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-5-26
12460 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-4-26
12464 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-2-3
12467 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-1-25
12472 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-3-26
Total: 10 MOs

RNCXXX> acc IpAccessHostEt=ES-3-3 ping

110809-14:37:56 10.xxx.xx.1 8.0n RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_119 stopfile=/tmp/4588
Call Action ping on following 1 MOs ?
12428 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=ES-3-3
Call action ping on 1 MOs. Are you Sure [y/n] ? y

Proxy MO Action Nr of Params
12428 IpAccessHostEt=ES-3-3 ping 1

Parameter 1 of 1, host (string):
>>> Return value = is alive

If Ping is alive then check for nodeb IP mismatch, if ping is false problem with IP ran.

You can also try pinging the IPOAM IP address from OSS.

2011-08-10, 10:37 AM
Dear Mate,

From your alarms.
I think problem is in your transport network. NTP alarm means your RBS can't contact the ETMFX in RNC.
You can check it with ping test from RNC - RBS vice versa.
And for clock synchro, check sync priority in RBS. Despite, the alarm can appear caused transport problem too.

my suggestion, you can check the transport and the design of IP transport (e.g: VLAN, IP address,etc). Since you tell Us, your network is migrating to IP currently, maybe some mismatch in implementation.


BR/JM :cool:

2011-08-11, 05:04 AM
After hours of troubleshooting, the routing on PE to RNC was not available, adding the route cleared the synch alarm......:mad:

Thanks guys....really appreciate it.....:victory: