View Full Version : Original commando in LMT CDMA Huawei

2011-06-15, 02:09 AM
Avout the question:

(1) One CCPM has many CSM5000 chips,and one CSM5000 chip has 64CE in forward and 32CE in reverse,we commonly say 96CE
or 128CE that always means reverse CE,so we can use the demmand follows query the CE of CCPM:

dsp cbtsbrdspecstat:btsid=xx,brdtp=ccpm,brdid=xx;

The CE of the CCPM =the numbers of CSM5000 chips*32 (see the attachment)

(2) To query the state of the cell,you can use the demmand of following:

dsp res

if you can see the operationstate=enabled and usagestate is idle or active,this means the res of the carrier is ok!

usagestate is idle means nobady use this carrier now,and active means the ueser not access this carrier!!

You can see the detail in the attachemnt!

2011-06-16, 09:18 AM
wow 1st time i saw a 18 carrier S666 site. ours is only upto S333 9 carriers. you got some traffic there!