View Full Version : rset command on E******* OSS ?

2011-04-29, 07:10 PM
Anyone has idea about this command ?

If i want to use this command for changing cell names,

for example;

rset utrancell=cell1 utrancellid cell2

like this , it has any affect in neighbor relations or anything like that ? We want to change one of the site's sector names just to fit our network because all 3G cells are starting with a specific letter but for this site , CDD was wrong and operator run it that CDD. Now the site is on air and we don't want to reload CDD.

Is this command useful for this issue ?

2011-04-29, 10:11 PM

Acording to moshell User guide you can. Is for this purpose not affecting relations, look below:

rset/lrset <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)> <attribute> [<value>]
Set attribute value on a restricted attribute or change the MOid of an MO.
A restricted attribute is an attribute that can only be set when the MO is created.
The rset command works by deleting the MO (and any MOs by which it is reserved) and
recreating the MO (and its reserved MOs) using the new attribute value.
Currently works on IubLink, UtranCell, Ranap, Rnsap, Vmgw, Mtp3bSls, Mtp3bSrs,
M3uAssociation, UniSaalTp, NniSaalTp, Aal5TpVccTp, Aal0TpVcctp, Aal1TpVcctp,
Aal2PathVcctp, VclTp, VplTp, VpcTp, Aal2RoutingCase, Aal2Ap, AtmPort, ImaGroup,
PacketDataRouter, Ds0Bundle.
It is possible to extend this list of MOs by adding the MOs to the moshell variable
rset_customlist in the moshell file. This will increase the scope of the rset command (only
MOs that can be directly deleted without having to delete any children or references can be put
in the list)
To change the MOid of an MO, the attribute name should be made up of the MOclass followed
by "id", eg: atmportid, pluginunitid, etc.
Example 1, change a restricted attribute:
rset unisaaltp=.*1004 unisaalprofileid unisaalprofile=win30a
Example 2, change the MOid:
rset utrancell=cell123 utrancellid cell456

2011-04-30, 03:45 PM
It will remember all the relations, parameters etc on this cell. Delete it. Create it again with new name. Then apply the neighbours and parameters it remembered.
I've used it to rename UtranCells and IubLinks. It is very useful and there is nothing to worry about.

2011-05-03, 05:09 PM
prepare for the worst
if you connection to OSS is NOK
you could destroy utranrelation and sometimes make other site down
some cell with much neigbour will deleted other cell that relation with him,
and re create it,
so other cell will impact with this command,
because i ever do mistake like this :funk: