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View Full Version : rf optimization field

2008-10-05, 07:55 AM
I am interested in rf optimization field and that the reason why I was wondering
for some help/relevant reading material ,</span> </span>rfgsm group where I found your detailed
tutorial on rf </span></font>

I will be from now on in contact with u via mail and will try learn
from u in your spare time ,</span> I hope u will elaborate things


My first question </span></font>


When I am using tems log file as reply there are lot of messages like
call establishes , called dropped in </span>DT captured log file </span>, so if I were to analyze them after
report generation what r the main things I should be looking at </span></font>


Like rx/tx </span>levels</span> </span></font>

What else </span></font>


If you r not a relevant person in this domain please forward me to a
friend who is and put me in cc </span></font>

I don’t know your age so I am assuming you r of the </span>same age group as my age that is 28 /
correct me if you r elder so that I can add sir instead of u</span></font>

