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View Full Version : iub utilization E*******

Tomas Delgado
2011-03-18, 09:57 AM
Hi, need iub utilization usage for ATM and IP in E******* P7.1.4.
So long only found a usage definition that is not so clear.
Avergar_utilization= pmTransmittedAtmCells / (PCR x Meas_Lenght)
So first question is which pmTransmittedAtmCells to use, cause you have the same pm counter for 3 different classes, you have atmport , vpl , vcl.
And what is PCR, if it is ATM Peak Cell Rate what do i have to do with this, in one document i found pcr= 3700 cps( for aal2) and that 1 E1= 4500 cps .. for me what it makes sense is to put bellow how many cells per second ( which is not PCS by the way) i have in the number of E1s that i have. If somebody know how this is calculated please help. Also how do you do for IP Iub? .. thanks a lot!!!

2011-03-18, 03:35 PM
Hi, need iub utilization usage for ATM and IP in E******* P7.1.4.
So long only found a usage definition that is not so clear.
Avergar_utilization= pmTransmittedAtmCells / (PCR x Meas_Lenght)
So first question is which pmTransmittedAtmCells to use, cause you have the same pm counter for 3 different classes, you have atmport , vpl , vcl.
And what is PCR, if it is ATM Peak Cell Rate what do i have to do with this, in one document i found pcr= 3700 cps( for aal2) and that 1 E1= 4500 cps .. for me what it makes sense is to put bellow how many cells per second ( which is not PCS by the way) i have in the number of E1s that i have. If somebody know how this is calculated please help. Also how do you do for IP Iub? .. thanks a lot!!!

Dear Mate,

For Iub/ATM:
The formula that you state above is true if you want to calculate the VC or VP utilization.
But, IMHO, for monitoring IuB utilization I think its better directly monitor at counter TN indicating successful and unsuccessful AAL2Ap connection setups for each AAL2 QoS class A/B/C/D

Because, the amount traffic which very high and variable is related to AAL2AP, since AAL5 and OM VC is very small.

For IuB/IP:
Since data volume is monitored at ethernet port, you can monitor with following counter, these wil monitor Iub traffic for Iublink inculding IuB UP, IuB CP, and Snyc:





Tomas Delgado
2011-03-23, 05:25 AM
Thanks a lot Jamal, do you know the counters?