View Full Version : How to make use of db.dat to run moshell in offline mode or sql mode?

Jerry wong
2011-03-15, 11:55 PM
The SQL mode allows to run an offline moshell session against the configuration database of a node (db.dat or zipped CV).
1.But I do not know how to make use of db.dat to run moshell in offline or sql mode? and Is db.dat only used to run moshell in sql mode?
2.Cv file folder is a unzip folder in D:/configuration/cv/. how can I get the zipped cv file?

3.about offline moshell

Except logfiles and dcg logfiles. Modump can be used to run moshell in offline mode to read the node configuration . And How can I get the node Modump?

thanks for your help!

2011-03-16, 12:38 AM
as i see at moshell

<MO-dump> : the MO dump is a file obtained with the command "dcgk" or "lt all;kget". It can be in text format, .gz format, or .zip format.
* <dcglogs-zipfile> : a zipfile containing all the logs produced by the dcgm command (modump.zip, logfiles.zip, ropfiles.zip)

may useful

Jerry wong
2011-03-16, 10:33 AM
Do u know how to use the file db.dat or CV zipped files to run offline moshell in sql mode?
I use this command: moshell -d /xx/xxx/xx/db.dat and moshell -d db.dat.

but these command didn't work!

2011-08-07, 12:45 AM
Do u know how to use the file db.dat or CV zipped files to run offline moshell in sql mode?
I use this command: moshell -d /xx/xxx/xx/db.dat and moshell -d db.dat.

but these command didn't work!
Dear Frnd,

I have same problem as u I have "kget" log but the problem where I put the dump and How can I access this dump in offline mode. PLS tell me my frnd???

2011-08-31, 05:00 PM
I can use the moshell in offline mode by putting kget. for this do the following thing.


now open the cygwin window.

moshell ~/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/sessionlog/(kget file name)

If u like it Pls add thanksss

2011-08-31, 11:16 PM
you msut pay attention to your moshell's version, 8.0b above seems , OSS's moshell called amos couldn't do this for license reason, another is you should get another two file and put them in your moshell's folder, also if you don't have,the printout will remind you,which two and where you can get it.Hopes it works on your lap.:lol

2011-09-01, 11:07 PM
give me your mail pls, send you later

2011-09-07, 03:31 PM
RNC01> dbc
110907-12:19:00 8.0v stopfile=/tmp/15481
Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/els/WORK/moshell//sitefiles/ipdatabase...
$ cv mk DBC_110907_121900
Please wait while database is writing to disk.
Writing the database file can take minutes...
get /d/configuration/cv/DBC_110907_121900/db.dat /home/els/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/dbc/RNC01/110907/DBC_RNC01_110907_121900.db.dat ... OK
$ cv rm DBC_110907_121900
Failed to download Polyhedra db viewer, no contact to utran01 server.
Please download the following files from a PC/workstation connected to the E******* network:
- http://utran01.epa.e*******.se/moshell/downloads/rtrdb.84.gz
- http://utran01.epa.e*******.se/moshell/downloads/sqlc.84.gz
Then store these files on this workstation under the folder /home/els/WORK/moshell//jarxml and run:
- chmod 777 /home/els/WORK/moshell//jarxml/*.gz
- gzip -d /home/els/WORK/moshell//jarxml/rtrdb*.gz
- gzip -d /home/els/WORK/moshell//jarxml/sqlc*.gz
Cannot connect to MO service, exiting...
To analyze the database file, run: moshell -d /home/els/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/dbc/RNC01/110907/DBC_RNC01_110907_121900.db.dat