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View Full Version : Sending SMS using AT Commands

2008-10-03, 09:03 AM
<table><tbody><tr><td>The following AT commands can be used to send SMS via hyper terminal.

AT<br>OK<br><br>AT+CMGF=1<br>OK<br><br>AT+CSCA="number of message centre"<br>OK<br><br>AT+CMGW="Mobile number"<br>&gt; A simple demo of SMS text messaging. (When finished, press Ctrl+z of the keyboard.)<br>+CMGW: 1 (note this number)<br>OK<br><br>AT+CMSS=1 (the number is from returned value of CMGW)<br>+CMSS: 20<br><br>OK<br></pre>

If an OK is received then the SMS was sent successfully.

The default behaviour is to always send SMS using the CS domain
but it is possible to send SMS over PS domain. This is sometimes used
by datacards that have not implemented the complete functionality of CS
domain. To send SMS over PS domain, the following AT command is
AT+cgsms=0 <br><br>where<br>0 = PS Domain<br>1 = CS Domain<br>2 = PS Domain preferred (else use CS Domain if GPRS not available)<br>3 = CS Domain preferred (else use PS Domain if CS is not available)<br></pre>

If you use AT+cgsms=0 and If the SGSN is not configured for SMS then
the sending of SMS will fail and the UE will resend the SMS
automatically using CS Domain.
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