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View Full Version : Please guide every new comer

2011-03-03, 05:04 AM
Hi every body, I am very glad to be a part of this marvellous forum, but its very difficult for me to share some thing which is not in the forum because whatever I have, that is already available in the forum.
So please tell us how to get the benefit from the forum? how to find something new to share in this forum which is main requirement. please please.....Thanks

2011-03-03, 05:18 AM
Hi every body, I am very glad to be a part of this marvellous forum, but its very difficult for me to share some thing which is not in the forum because whatever I have, that is already available in the forum.
So please tell us how to get the benefit from the forum? how to find something new to share in this forum which is main requirement. please please.....Thanks

Join Date: 2011-02-10
Posts: 6
Rep Power: 0
Credit: 64

Write. As you did 6 times.
Answer questions, write explanation. Participate in discussions.
Give us new angle to old problems, give us hints we can use in daily work.
Share knowledge, not just files.
Thus, you will collect credits + reputation + get rid of "newbie" label.
Remember: we all started like you.

Take care of precious credits: do not download too much. Yet.


2011-03-03, 05:39 AM
my new friend khan2300,

I have been through in your situation.

Use Internet material: White papers, thesis, books.

As you will see that there are huge number of posts are free material on net.

" Do not cry, just try"

Best Wishes

2011-03-03, 04:33 PM
I am sure there is plenty of information people are still looking for and then there are new releases...updates which aren't available to everyone. May be check the Requests section if someone need something which you may have. Answer queries in live optimisation section etc.

2011-03-06, 07:47 PM
Hi, everybody
I just wanted to point out some idea why system is so harsh for junior members and why many gets frustrated.
So basically, if you compare post with added reputation, you will notice that members of this forum are very lazy to add rep. For example compare posts where somebody share pass protected material and someone who share free for everyone materials. Free materials will have only some if any rep but password protected will have dozens. (wanna get tons of rep? Just add some crappy file with big name and no explanation whats in it and add password and you will have rep for life! :eek: ) For posts in live optimisation or other sections where somebody answers someones questions, situation is even worse, almost nobody adds reputation. Question is, is it normal? And answer is no. Solution?
Just count "Thanks" for useful posts and you will see that it give you more realistic picture of how useful and helpful is member. Add system that gives, for example, for every 10 Thanks received 1 reputation point.
That way you will encourage people more to post and share they ideas and help people around then.
PS Sorry for long post :D