View Full Version : TORO Hasplogger 4.0

2011-02-17, 12:50 PM
in case anyone needs it

(remember, logger no emulator ;) )

TORO hasp 4/Hasp HL/Hasp SRM Logger/Dumper V4.0
0.Run this TORO_Hasp_Logger_Dumper.exe.
1.Unplug your hasp USB dongle from pc.
2.Plug your hasp USB dongle to pc.
3.Open your software and work with all options.
4.Close your software.
5.If your Password box is not empty, press Dump Hasp button and wait untill no more activity on both panels
6.Unplug your dongle again then close this utility.
7.You will find a bin file which its name is started by TORO_HASP_LOG_, send it to whoever sent this utility to you ;) :D

2011-02-17, 03:36 PM
when run this soft,it says:the trial period is over and the version is3.0,not4.0,why?

2011-02-17, 10:07 PM
original post looks links below..
Toro monitor is detected - Reverse Engineering Team Board (http://www.reteam.org/board/showthread.php?t=3481)

2011-02-17, 11:59 PM
when run this soft,it says:the trial period is over and the version is3.0,not4.0,why?

if u carefully read message u can see it gives trial period for hhd usb monitoring controls apis...these apis used to log traffic btween dongle and monitor

2011-03-16, 12:31 AM
maybe can help somebody
::first open the haSploGer.exe then run this bat
::for n=10,if you want startand exit 100,change the 10 to 100(maybe enough)
FOR /L %%f IN (1,1,10) DO @(
::start applction
start C:\XXXXXX\apptest.exe
::time delay make enough time for the apptest start,too fast maybe the pc is down...
::choice /t 20 /d y /n >nul (only for nt win7)
ping -n 2 -w 500>nul
ping -n 2 -w 500>nul
::notice no ".exe"
tskill apptest
ping -n 2 -w 500>nul
::remember save log of haSploGer.exe,too long maybe the pc is down...
I wish it will be useful for you
thanks and add reputation will be appreciated