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View Full Version : Understanding Cable & Antenna Analysis

2010-12-27, 01:29 AM
Understanding Cable & Antenna Analysis

The cable and antenna system plays a crucial role of the overall performance of a Base Station
system. Degradations and failures in the antenna system may cause poor voice quality or
dropped calls. From a carrier standpoint, this could eventually result in loss of revenue.
While a problematic base station can be replaced, a cable and antenna system is not so easy
to replace. It is the role of the field technician to troubleshoot the cable and antenna system
and ensure that the overall health of the communication system is performing as expected.
Field technicians today rely on portable cable and antenna analyzers to analyze, troubleshoot, characterize, and maintain the system. The purpose of this white paper is to cover the fundamentals of the key measurements of cable and antenna analysis; Return Loss, Cable Loss, and Distance-To-Fault (DTF).
