View Full Version : Dummy tasks

2010-12-04, 07:44 PM

Please help me I’ve to do weekly dummy tasks
I’m searching for smart (auto solution for this task):

Task: collect excel sheets for multiple Engineers and consolidate it in one work book from top to bottom using one format for all then send it to special email address at specific time

My idea: I’m searching for smart-auto solution like creating a template and keep it online where all Engineers can access it and paste their data in the same work book and at the end we can sort all data using especial flag ‘column’ so it will be well-organized

CREATING: how to do that???? Or if you have another idea than can achieve the above mentioned task it will be ok
Thanks for your help :hug:

2010-12-04, 10:08 PM
Try WinAutomation is a very nice tool to automate tasks in windows even the less experienced guys are able to use it.
If you get some problems post me
Windows Automation Software & Macro Recorder - Windows Scripting - Automate and Schedule Windows (http://www.winautomation.com)

2010-12-07, 04:18 AM
this might help, haven't tried it yet ... use with caution
