View Full Version : SQL and wcdma counters

2010-10-08, 05:42 PM
How to access to database with statistic files and wcdma counters on the OSS for WCDMA?With SQL queries we can get all counters and make statistical reports. Please, help!

2010-10-08, 06:14 PM
Basically, what are you trying to do?
In E******* OSS, making a report is a bit easy via Business Object but alternatively, you can use MS Excel to access the database and collect the data directly. You can then set some formula based on your KPIs. If this is what you mean, then let me first recall the procedure that I made and I'll get back to you.

2010-10-08, 08:20 PM
Dear Yenthanh,

I would like to use MS exel to collect the data. Now, i'm using moshell with the commands, but it takes a long time to collect the data, than to import that data in exel, and use the KPI formula to obtain the KPIs.

2010-10-11, 05:50 PM
Please, urgent help!!

2010-10-12, 03:10 PM
Hi Sekit,

I am trying to recall that procedure of mine, but unfortunately i could not find it. The things that I can remember seems already not compatible with the current MS Excel, anyways here below what I did as I can remember:

A. Set the ODBC Data Source
- Go to Control Panel
- Administrative Tools and Data Source (ODBC)
- Set the System DSN ( You should find sybase ASE or else you need to install the driver for sybase utility
- Set the corresponding IP of the server ( I think it will prompt for the specific database as well as well as the username and passwords to access the DB{should have atleast administrative rights in DB})

B. Set the right DB in MS Excel
( I am using MS Excel 2007 now and I am a bit lost on which settings should I set)
- Go to Data Tab
- From Other Sources--> Data Connection Wizard--> and select the settings you just set
- Once you click Ok, it should start access the sybaseDB and prompt you for the databases available.
- It might take sometime if your DB is quite big

By the way, you can check other options as well, you can try to search in internet for some demo like this link below:


Sorry about the incomplete solution, but in case i will find the docs again i'll forward immediately to you.

Hope this can help you on your query...
