View Full Version : ******** Larcs

2010-09-22, 09:42 PM
Three is a tool called Larcs used by ******** for carrier stats. Please, Can any one share it?

Thanks in advance.:)

2011-06-17, 02:21 AM
I found it. One of My friends have it.

This tool used to check ******** carrier Stats (Path Balance, IoI, BER, ...) easily without using GUI using below steps:

Using FTP go to /usr/omc/ne_data/unload_stats and download files of one day (bss_datetimes.unl.Z; carrier_Statistics.unl.Z; entity.unl.Z;schema_version.unl>Z).
Unzip the four above Files
Open the tool (Access File Attached "LARCS") --> Open Pass is : SimplePass8
choose Load Data and give day, month, year, path of unzipped files
Wait till it finishes the uploading, then choose the date from drop down list
you'll see all BSCs --> choose BSC --> Site --> Cell and enjoy!

Always use empty file after 10 days since access file will become in giga and will be very slow, so it's better to delete it and use another file for new days.