View Full Version : Huaweis VS.Call.Drop.PS.Other

Tomas Delgado
2010-08-21, 10:15 AM
Hi, does anybody know what is the cause of this counter.
As far as i know the formula of this counter is this one:

This counter you will not found on M2000 only on NASTAR. Usually you dont get events on VS.RAB.RelReqPS.OM or VS.RAB.RelReqPS.RABPreempt or VS.RAB.Loss.PS.Congstion.CELL you can get some VS.RAB.Loss.PS.GTPULoss but if you check and in my case theres a diffetence between VS.RAB.Loss.PS.Abnorm and VS.RAB.Loss.PS.GTPULoss ... What is the possible cause of this????