Default passwords for their posts:updated on 12-05-2011
- Administrator: or
- ANTRF:enviroment08
- zeuscane:zeuscane
- VMatas: vmatas
- anwar:thanks-to-anwar
- rpl7947:strikee
- or or
- RF_engineer: optimization
- filDim:Wire Free
- bassem-16:FineTopix
- liukang:finetopixliu
- marceloenrique:MARINA
- punta_arbe:finetopixpunta
- hassen:no password
- byja:f1net0pix
- Plannerguy: planner
- atilkurt: seko
- pravdivi:qwerty
- rodyan:RodyaN
- davidbrayan:default password as you all know is david
but in 1 or 2 older posts it's davidbrayan
and for years to follow it'll be david- NILCTG:999999999
- blaster949:5072
- arnb @rnb
- gboye:sirgbo
- angelpy:sankuokai
- manunipati:sark123
- always4u:free4all
- wisammeesh:wisambss
- babeka:GoodLuck!
- da_manole :emanuel
- prle:taurus21
- dew4noberic: PM me For The Pass
- lejun:freeman
- tester:KnowledgeShouldBeFree
- Cost_Reducer: educationforall
- optimplanner :onlyinwirefree
- paboya : paboya
- kamy: uniden
- kwadayi: gafiya
- ivan.makajic :makaja73
- Chelox: loverf
- kumararyan97: kumar_aryan
- asifhaider919 : finetopixx or thanksforrepo
- : oriphe
- badalghotra: finetopixxx (for huawei documents pass is huawei )
- val2032: Pa55w0rd.Fr33
- Mr.David : kampret
- wnsworld: wnsjay
- edinburgh: wirefree
- ncinta : sayang
- dinzo : kampret
- parto_tegal : partotegaltegalparto
- JasonLow: jason
- adnank : ftopix
- drJaser: no brain - no tumor
- intros:
- coursekec: pass1word
- ptt3i: th1nhpt@finetopix
- slavun: slavun1234
- teaspoon: the belkhirian
- dremka: 5073 (older) or enjoy! (newer)
- bangazis : amel2603
- borelij : thisispassword
- butaktelco : topixfine
- adeel : adeel
- gsm_forumer :msg
- telwind : TheWind
- crea123 : crea8888
- wfs,feu : wirefree27,wirefree39
- onesim2010 : all4you
- nieckyz : f1n3t0p1k or f1n3t0p1k_(filenameshare)
- student21 : student21
- whateveriam : thebest
- aliakhavan_5978 : aliakhavan
- koderman : thnxKODERMANthnx
- cqupthwb : xteam2009
- riverstreamer : streamerriver
- ching2-o : thumbtakz
- pathloss: pathloss
- samcooldude1430: samcooldude1430 or samcooldude143o or samc0oldude1430 or samco0dude1430
- ritgail : ritgail or ritgail1
- bssmsm : chilelindo
- mbobbyd: pa1ssw0rd
- berry001:
- tuyul: tuyul@cool
- aosan: My default password from now and up will be (
- MINTO: doc82
- thantzin: master
- maasricht: 130508 or 195221Ege
- kais: kais
- salina: london
- DCA: finetopix
- sekit: wcdma!
- doombuggy: finefine
- 01071986
- grid666: TerminatorSalvation
- ghassen: syscom32
- abirofa2: Qop_LeeboX
- astro: learning
- TEMS: @tems_engineer@
- atul22: passw@rd
- madeira: guix
- ssmc: hello
- jafar_rtm: tuyul_gile
- atkasaty: atkasaty
- saullow: finet0pix
- coursekec: pass1word
- radio_network: finetop
- belhadj339: qwerty
- besoeso:
- egyman: 1Q2W3E4R
- chiku: chiku12
- weichun hung: 2010aug03
- berlianov: nyanggakeun
- radenmohawk: andriana
- voipsoftswitch: voip
- haythem: fx13dreams.
- tukangoptim: repdongmas
- life_is_sweet: life_is_sweet
- Cesarus_m: bruce
- ChristopherAlbertini: christopher
- mudassar2k4: optimistic
- stuart1974: rita
- breezle_yuwei: 456456
- lasvegas01: mystyle
- GSM_Huawei: huawei
- whateveriam: notlikebefore
- mhut59: My default password is "mhut59"
- yogi_saw: yogi@finetopix
- ericjay: deeps
- shishio: shishio
- roencaco: 10roencaco#
- grunf: chivolavale
- jogpinto: jogpinto911
- ivandgreat: taergdnavi
- roxxon: aBa6vhBk
- quykiem02 : fromA2Z
- tpkj: Signaling__Student
- ithink: test
- ykhaled: passme
- m_almaain: m_almaani221202
- minhvt: minhvt
- booood: test test+test
- vitchi: My default password is "vitchi"
- Wuren: 456456
- guess.who: help
- xiaojiahuo: 12345678
- relaxrf: relaxrf@123
- redendo: free
- icebreaker05: opensesame
- venom: venom
- apuarif2007: power
- jbada: planning
- bino: bino
- robin1044:
- Alim: Optimization
- siankirene: kirene
- simmus0300 :kap~!@ or kap!098
- yazzzing : WWW.163.COM
- chini: chIn1
- freakturd06 : fitched
- bentoel: Rooney10
- mubbasher:depaulchamp
- kevmit:kevmit
- slavicp: eric123@
- marko:qwerty
- Yenthanh:password123
- madatrf: goodwill
- scorpion : scorp123
- leo.ashu : leoleo
- roninsa: safaoni
- hakan.gumus :
- cnkal: optim
- Solyda: solyda
- hp3hp3: hp312345
- zidan001: zidan
- vasili_koslov: maxwell
- barakatakhayam: soeieman
- ericjay: deeps
- SEC905: triok81000
- herryh: adulwasaidul
- sercan67:
- rm77: yahia
- srpostiga: youwantthis
- rcon: Biofag5
- Thewind: DefaultPass
- Mazen: mazen
- Jerry: JerryDefaultPass
- thuti: phunaman
- vitchi: vitchivitchi
- xiaoduirensheng: micron or micpon
- joechaoul: 9999
- tomsg: finetopixsg
- rfbsnl: rfb
- KveldulvCL: CHILE
- cool-b: pixtofine
- alitomtom: share_for_all
- Damien: Dracolich667765 or Dracolich67765 or Dracolich7765 or Dracolich765
- yelljack:
- billaugust: networkplanning
- dceo2010: dceo2010
- cghots: cghots
- Cambaling: finetopixthebestforum or finetopixisthebest
- mojiiiiii: 125897
- gaga: f1net0p1x
- atkasaty: at&ln
- andrew: w1!!50n
- nomanpatrick: my default password is none
- zphdt: 1233211234567
- EJAY: rfopti
- leelio: finetopix
- ashraferto: optimax
- duongha86: dugthy
- cesimkaol: befriendly
- gc_sw: eric-gc_sw
- mojash: pwd123
- linuxxcso: rootadmin
- DJ_Download: WireLess
- kais: kais
- mon3em: forward@finetopix
- kien47db: vntelecom
- sevenvltk: sevenvltk
- alfiyanto: tuanku
- amarota: tintin
- sisi: gedara
- jorrgivarius: MAYDANINO
- sonerss: wirefree
- sala70vic: utran
- Optimal:shareworld
- catechumen: freeforall
- phantomfx: ph4nt0m
- ciollaroger: knowledgeispower
- echomoon: rootlinux
- ahmedalshawi:Iraq1983
- firstmaxim: newabc
- auto_art:london
- gsmman2006: gsmman
- xiaowuhet: xiaowu112
- zlatan: optimization12
- ganci.gancic: pixtofine
- althus14: altdel
- dNoB: +reputation
- nanangbobo: gambz
- iam2pac: shareinfo
- iamsasuke: iamsasuke
- Atolka: po4ka
- ali56s: foryoumyfriend
- wujek: cocojumbo
- jitendra1020: India
- prowireless: pro
- share2107: 21078413
- emahmoud: rockstar or umniah
- sedicla: finetopix
- raednoor:behelpful99
- eko_pambudie: eko123456789
- maahsan: maahsan
- TuNN1986: 123
- bindi: 3gshare
- miluaa: rucking
- srilasitha: cccccc
- nale: pls_add_rep_to_nale
- seedweb: seedweb
- Stealth: pa$$word
- sabila: deaila
- labviewlover: labviewlover
- stilloboy: whatzup
- rejreyes: kangkungkernits
- wfaasun: beyourfriend
- dpx2007: dpx2007
- hong_lim: archive
- telecom.1243: telecom.1243
- indrarui_costa: ruicosta
- ababidi: HW1979
- Geoffrey Spaulding : Stupid Rule!
- kotarominami: pedangmatahari
- saphy: saphysaphy
- bangazis: amel2603
- irsmash: youknowmesowell
- harinjaka: akajnirah
- bindi: 3gshare
- Liana:, ftopixatoll, Finetopixonly
- MacroMan: MacroMan
- Resistor: Never_Mind
- jugodemanzana: jugodemanzana
- stream1973:NSN
- koepret: learn_to_say_thanks
- adewijaya : adewijaya
- jimjim: zaza12345
- abhye-x: bolu
- SEC905: 0908007031
- shagahod: les infantes terribles
- DANCESTORM: trance
- dodotiro: kanggosebo
- Gharib: gharibsena
- arjaypanganiban: akp
- letexpert: LTEWireFree
- xyplunk: ambotlang
- gearthegreat: gear
for safety purpose, protect your files with passwords, but default password is recommended.
please check password posted after 12/05/2011 here:
thanks to ninoy_122184
Post your default password here!
for example:
one suggestion: please put your default password in your signature.