View Full Version : Single Command Output Processing for Multipe eNBs-LTE

2015-07-16, 03:48 AM

I was wondering how to process output of a single command (e.g get . EUtranCellFDD) run in multi mode (simultaneously on multiple eNBs).

Tools like NEPA & NeXplore only process KGET & Bulk commands.

I used to process single command in excel manually, but this is time consuming because every command output has its own formatting.

Any recommend tool for handling single command outputs?


2015-12-12, 08:43 AM

I was wondering how to process output of a single command (e.g get . EUtranCellFDD) run in multi mode (simultaneously on multiple eNBs).

Tools like NEPA & NeXplore only process KGET & Bulk commands.

I used to process single command in excel manually, but this is time consuming because every command output has its own formatting.

Any recommend tool for handling single command outputs?


from moshell multiple nodes (enodebs ipaddresses, psw and names saved on moshell sitefile)
moshell -m enodeb1,enodeb2,enodeb3....
than run specific command on multiple nodes

hope that will help you