View Full Version : E******* numHsCodeResources Setting in RBS 3000

2014-04-11, 03:32 PM
Hi all,

Does anybody have experience about numHsCodeResources setting in RBS 3000 series. Suppose for 3 sector and 2 carrier per sector in RBS we have 2 TX board in this case what options we have to set numhsCodeResources per TX board ? What are differences between options and their gains?


2014-04-11, 10:16 PM
Hi electron

I can tell for 6000 series, (not sure about 3K): up to 30 HS codes = 1 hsCoderessource; up to 60 hs codes = 2hsCoderessource; up to 90 hs codes = 3 hscode ressource; more than 90= 4.
So from your example, for a tri sector bifreq site (assuming 15 hscodes per cell as usual and all 6 carriers capable HS): 3 x 2 x 15 = 90 hscodes so you need to set 3 hsCoderessource (an of course 1 Eul).
In case you have Dual Carrie site you can set it on the master DUW.
Usualy inssuficient number of hsCoderessources might impact the tput, or if the number is higher than it should be it could generate alarms "...hw less than capacity..." or even disable cells.

let me know if this answered ur question.


2014-04-11, 11:34 PM

Thanks , Yes i am aware about configuration and for each RBS type in RBS alex library there is relevant formula. I wanted to cross check from other networks.

Hi electron

I can tell for 6000 series, (not sure about 3K): up to 30 HS codes = 1 hsCoderessource; up to 60 hs codes = 2hsCoderessource; up to 90 hs codes = 3 hscode ressource; more than 90= 4.
So from your example, for a tri sector bifreq site (assuming 15 hscodes per cell as usual and all 6 carriers capable HS): 3 x 2 x 15 = 90 hscodes so you need to set 3 hsCoderessource (an of course 1 Eul).
In case you have Dual Carrie site you can set it on the master DUW.
Usualy inssuficient number of hsCoderessources might impact the tput, or if the number is higher than it should be it could generate alarms "...hw less than capacity..." or even disable cells.

let me know if this answered ur question.
