View Full Version : LTE KPI Query

2013-12-25, 06:38 AM
I am making report but finding it difficult to make following KPI's graphs. Can any one help me in this regard?

Application Throughhut Downlink/Uplink vs SNR
Application Throughput Downlink/Uplink vs RSRP


2014-03-05, 02:14 AM
Hi asad1,

You can use KPI workbench for do it. You have to join App Tput DL/UL and SNR and Data server session default parameters within time range. After, you have to filter by session is not null. After, use the group by function. Per each SNR value, you have to calculate the avg of App Tput (weight by time) and finally you can save your query as graph for view the avg App Tput DL per each SNR value.
