View Full Version : Moshell problem: MO typename" = "M3uAssociation", "$FRO typename" = "M3UAssociation"

2013-06-29, 01:25 AM
Dear Experts,

Do you know how to solve the problem when MO typename and FRO typename are differents??

Many thanks,


2013-06-29, 05:42 AM
What is the issue ? is it that you can not read the MO M3uAssociation and its attributes ?
One solution could be to change the fro table with the sqlc command and one it is done create a new CV, However that this operation is not recommended on a live node


2013-06-29, 06:17 AM

The problem is than I'm trying to create a M3uAssociation and I got this error

!!!! Processing failure :se.e*******.cello.moframework.FroRequestFailedException TAG :"FroRequestFailed" VARIABLES :"$MO typename" = "M3uAssociation", "$FRO typename" = "M3UAssociation", "$Request type" = "CreateFroReq: UNKNOWN RESULT CODE: 71", "$result" = "71"

Below the Moshell commands used:

RNCSCB03> run /home/e06262/CreateCS1.mos


RNCSCB03> confb+

Confirmation of bl/deb/set/acc commands = disabled

RNCSCB03> gs+

Perform a get before set = enabled


RNCSCB03> cr TransportNetwork=1,Mtp3bSpItu=1,M3uAssociation=MSS_M3UA1

130626-01:12:52 9.0g RNC_NODE_MODEL_M_1_150 stopfile=/tmp/17089

Attribute 1 of 3, mtp3bSrsId (moRef:Mtp3bSrs):
Enter mo LDN: Mtp3bSpItu=1,Mtp3bSrs=Mtp3bSrs_MSS_10570 #mtp3bSrsId

Attribute 2 of 3, remoteIpAddress1 (string): #remoteIpAddress1

Attribute 3 of 3, sctpId (moRef:Sctp):
Enter mo LDN: Sctp=SCTP0 #sctpId

Following attributes are optional. Enter attribute value or "d" for default.
Once the MO is created, these attributes cannot be changed (they are restricted).

Attribute 1 of 7, autoStartAssociation (boolean): true #autoStartAssociation

Attribute 2 of 7, dscp (long): 34 #dscp

Attribute 3 of 7, localIpMask (enumRef:HomingState):
Enter one of the following integers: 1:SINGLE_HOMED_1, 2:SINGLE_HOMED_2, 3:MULTI_HOMED: 3 #localIpMask

Attribute 4 of 7, localPortNumber (long): 2905 #localPortNumber

Attribute 5 of 7, remoteIpAddress2 (string): #remoteIpAddress2

Attribute 6 of 7, remotePortNumber (long): 1024 #remotePortNumber

Attribute 7 of 7, role (enumRef:M3uAssociationRole):
Enter one of the following integers: 0:CLIENT, 1:SERVER: 0 #role

!!!! Processing failure :se.e*******.cello.moframework.FroRequestFailedException TAG :"FroRequestFailed" VARIABLES :"$MO typename" = "M3uAssociation", "$FRO typename" = "M3UAssociation", "$Request type" = "CreateFroReq: UNKNOWN RESULT CODE: 71", "$result" = "71"

RNCSCB03> lset TransportNetwork=1,Mtp3bSpItu=1,M3uAssociation=MSS_M3UA1$ congestionAlarmThreshold 50

130626-01:12:53 9.0g RNC_NODE_MODEL_M_1_150 stopfile=/tmp/17089

Id MO congestionalarmthreshold Result
Total: 0 MOs attempted, 0 MOs set

RNCSCB03> lset TransportNetwork=1,Mtp3bSpItu=1,M3uAssociation=MSS_M3UA1$ userLabel M3uAssociation_MSS_M3UA1

130626-01:12:53 9.0g RNC_NODE_MODEL_M_1_150 stopfile=/tmp/17089

Id MO userlabel Result
Total: 0 MOs attempted, 0 MOs set

How to solve it??

Thanks in advance,


2013-07-01, 08:28 AM
One reason for the fault is that the dscp value you are setting is not valid :
is there any other M3uAssociation using the same Sctp=SCTP0 ? , if yes then the dscp used for that MO should be also used for the MO M3uAssociation=MSS_M3UA1 that you are trying to create.
The reason is that dscp value is common for all M3UA association using the same SCTP endpoint.

if that does not help, can you get the te log read logs from the node ?

2013-07-01, 03:18 PM
Thanks Casa,

There are more M3UA using the same SCTP and local port number. I'll try to delete all, then create all.

How to get the logs in case of continue the problem?



2013-07-02, 06:16 AM
you can start with $te log read command from the central mp and if you are using moshell >lh mp te log read