View Full Version : UTm format in GE

2009-03-05, 12:54 PM
To navigate in Google Earth you could enter the coordinates as follow:
N31.2345 E30.2345 (for decimal degree format)
Or N31 22 5 E30 26 12 (for Degree Min Sec format)
But how could I enter the coordinates in UTM format (if I don’t want to convert it)……I just want to know if there's a way for that or not :hug:

2009-03-05, 04:11 PM
justdream, try UTMFlyer (http://www.zonums.com/utmflyer.html) http://freegeographytools.com/2007/using-utm-coordinates-in-google-earth it is supposed to do what you want

the problem of just entering your UTM coord's is letting GE know what UTM zone you are using

http://freegeographytools.com/ is a great site with lots of excellent GE and other GIS tools

BR, Stan

2009-03-05, 06:43 PM
Dear Stan, thanks a lot
I downloaded UTM flyer but when i tried to install I got the following message:

The license for this tool has expired

Could you advice, please

2009-03-05, 07:23 PM
I had not tried it, just found it via a Google search for you. Just downloaded it now and I get the same problem. You can post a comment here http://www.zonums.com/error_report.html and ask them if they have a fix.


2009-03-06, 08:47 PM
I think these Macros will help you:p

2009-03-06, 09:14 PM
Dear kokoeg,

I don't want to convert from UTM to lat/long
or you need to explain your macro (may be i didn't understand)