View Full Version : FOR GURU ONLY: SHO

2011-11-13, 01:58 AM
Hi guru,

Pls i need to confirm the true calculation of SHO Success rate:

IS IT Measurement control/Actix set update or

AS Update/AS ipdate complete

Also How does Discovery computes it RL addition, remover and replacement failure?

2011-11-13, 02:51 AM
In TEMS Discovery, SHO Success Rate = (No. Addition Success + No. Removal Succcess + No. Replacement Success)/(No. Addition Success + No. Addition Failure + No. Removal Success + No. Removal Failure + No. Replacement Success + No. Replacement Failure)

2011-11-13, 03:14 AM
i know that but how is the addition , removal and replacement failure calculated.
Can you related e1a, e1b , e1c and 1d and measurement control to deduce addition , removal and replacement failure?

2011-11-13, 05:33 AM
i know that but how is the addition , removal and replacement failure calculated.
Can you related e1a, e1b , e1c and 1d and measurement control to deduce addition , removal and replacement failure?

"AS Update/AS Update Complete" are considered for SHO Attempt/SHO Success

AS Update failure contributes to failed Soft Handovers. RL Addition/Deletion/Replacement all are part of SHO process, and measurement are pegged at RNC. RNC sends the message for RL Addition/Deletion/Replacement as ActiveSet Update message.

2011-11-13, 05:58 AM
So what term will give (active set update/Measurement control) ?

What is the effect of AS update without measurement control in the Network?

Your reply will be appreciated

"AS Update/AS Update Complete" are considered for SHO Attempt/SHO Success

AS Update failure contributes to failed Soft Handovers. RL Addition/Deletion/Replacement all are part of SHO process, and measurement are pegged at RNC. RNC sends the message for RL Addition/Deletion/Replacement as ActiveSet Update message.

2011-11-15, 12:21 PM
So what term will give (active set update/Measurement control) ?

What is the effect of AS update without measurement control in the Network?

Your reply will be appreciated

(active set update/Measurement control)?? this will not give anything...

well MS must have Measurement Control Message to trigger any event for any cell or it can have Measurement Control Message from any of cell in Active Set.

but there should not be AS update without any Measurement Control in network, if it is happening, it is strange..

2011-11-15, 04:47 PM
@jayk Good one,So what formular can you use to deduce SHO Overhead?Thanks

2011-11-16, 06:15 AM
@jayk Good one,So what formular can you use to deduce SHO Overhead?Thanks

We use default formula to calculate SHO Overhead

Soft Handover Overhead (RNC) = {[VS.SHO.AS.1.RNC+(VS.SHO.AS.2Softer.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.2Soft.RNC)*2+(VS.SHO.AS.3Soft2Softer.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.3Soft.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.3Softer.RNC)*3+VS.SHO.AS.4.RNC*4+VS.SHO.AS.5.RNC*5+VS.SHO.AS.6.RNC*6] / (VS.SHO.AS.1.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.2Softer.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.2Soft.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.3Soft2Softer.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.3Soft.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.3Softer.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.4.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.5.RNC+VS.SHO.AS.6.RNC)-1}*100%


2011-11-18, 11:27 PM
Nince one man.

Only that i need to spread my rep.
Dont worry will definately add you more rep

2011-11-29, 04:45 PM
Hi i notice these

In TEMS Discovery, SHO Success Rate = (No. Addition Success + No. Removal Succcess + No. Replacement Success)/(No. Addition Success + No. Addition Failure + No. Removal Success + No. Removal Failure + No. Replacement Success + No. Replacement Failure)
If use discovery to analysis log u will find failure of radio link addition, removal and replacement.
but when use tems report generator there is no failure of radio link addition , removal and replacement.

Wondering, what could be the problem?
Is discovery calculation of SHOSR the same as AS update/AS update completed
Also using the formular AS Update /AS update completed it was noticed that AS Update > than AS update completed

@cdmahn and @jayk Please