View Full Version : Question Nemo COM(serial) Language

2011-09-06, 05:32 AM
Hi friends,

I need to know how "Nemo outdoor" talk with a Qualcomm Phone, I capture the trafic in the Modem Port and as a suspect Nemo ask to the modem by AT command Band, Imei, Operator.... and nothing more..

I capture the trafic in the "Diagnostic port" and the data captures is HNDET&$RGYIFG&/CT&G/T&....only diferent trash caracters..

I need to create an aplication to obtain Rscp, Ecno, Bler 3G or RxLevel Rxqual C/I 2G....

I ask to the modem by AT command but only obtain RxLevel...I dont know how obtain the others parameters

Someone know how speak Nemo with the phones conected?

2011-09-08, 08:30 AM
Donde estan los buenos ingenieros del mundo!!!! ninguna de las preguntas que hago son respondidas!!!!!!!!!!!!!