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2011-02-21, 10:59 PM
Networks How can mobile and broadcasting
use adjacent bands?

The release of the band 790-862 MHz from broadcasting has started in several
European countries and its use for LTE mobile networks is expected to become
effective on a Pan-European scale in the next few years. Being immediately adjacent
to the remaining UHF broadcasting band 470-790 MHz, interference may occur to
broadcast reception from LTE base stations or user terminals using the band above
790 MHz. This article presents the theoretical studies performed in Europe by the
CEPT in order to assess the risk of interference and to derive harmonised technical
conditions that European Administrations will have to include in the licences for
mobile network operators in this band, in order to reduce this risk as much as
The article is intended to help regulators, inside and outside Europe, to understand
the issue of adjacent-band interference from mobile networks into broadcasting
networks, and to define adequately the means and the responsibilities for solving
these problems when they occur.
