View Full Version : Experience with radar & aeroplanes?

2010-07-18, 09:54 PM

does anybody have experience with microwave links and radar from airports? The reason is, i`m engineering a microwave link in 6,8Ghz with a path lengh of 38 km. 2miles away from the TX there is airport with a near-field radar. Can the radar have a impact of the mw signal? What must i consider?
The next question is, the aeroplanes fly through the fresnelzone at take-off and at approach for a landing. But there are only small planes e.g Cessna. Should i use space diversity with a great seperation to avoid reflections & interruption from a aeroplane?
Whats your experience or suggestion for solution?



2010-07-18, 11:41 PM
One microwave link was eliminated because continous cut-offs next to one airport

2010-07-19, 04:18 PM
Hi Proy,

that means that the radar have a influence to the microwave beam and eliminate the signal on the receiver ?
What frequency had this link?

Kind regards,

2010-07-19, 10:50 PM
I also had to eliminate one link operating at 8GHz due to the fresnel zone obstruction as a result of frequent take-offs and landing. I tried with space diversity. The improvement wasn't drastic..try to shift the link if possible...

2010-07-19, 11:25 PM
@ Cost reducer

No, problem was L.O.S. interrupted by plane traffic.

2010-07-20, 02:53 AM
I also had to eliminate one link operating at 8GHz due to the fresnel zone obstruction as a result of frequent take-offs and landing. I tried with space diversity. The improvement wasn't drastic..try to shift the link if possible...

Hi coursekec,

please allow me one more question. The planes who fly through through the fresnelzone were this big planes such as Airbus or Boeing or were this small planes such as cessnas?


2010-07-20, 06:20 PM
IN my case it was big international jets...